Entranced by the wonder of it all, an overeager young woman arrives in Hollywood for a small background acting gig. Disappointment after crushing disappointment seems to signal defeat, until a grizzly, unexpected encounter proves her inextinguishable will to survive. A dark comedy.
Starring: Brianna Lee, Callum Hanlon, Chris Black, Luke Baybak & CC Sheffield
Directed & Edited by Mike Luciano
Story by Mike Luciano & Brianna Lee
Shot by Cristina Dunlap
Produced by Claire Truman, Mike Luciano, Callum Hanlon & Brianna Lee
Score by Jason Martin Castillo
Gaffer: Jacob Reardon
Asst. Cam 1: Adam Abada
Asst. Cam 2: Jason Wan
Sound: John Wassel
Prod. Asst.: Brendhan Geraghty
Color: Bill Pollock Sound
Mix: Jason Sayada
ADR: Matt Brousseau
Visual Effects: Hank Friedmann
Animation: Isaac Sagastume
Special Appearances by: Mayola Charles, Jerome A. Shaw, Crystal Hines, Calvin Kyrcostas, Claire Truman, Max Azzarello
Poster by Aaron Lowell
THANK YOU: Jen Roskind, Tyler William Parke, STARBURNS INDUSTRIES, Nic Michaels, & Jordan Kim
Shot in Hollywood, CA 2018